Organic farming

organic farming Within the meaning of the Federal Organic Farming International (IFOAM) is an agricultural system.
The production of food and fiber With environmental sustainability, social and economic.

By focusing on improving the soil
Respect for the natural potential of the plant. Animal and Ecological Agriculture Thus reducing the use of organic inputs.
Production from the outside And avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals such as fertilizers and chemical pesticides.
And Medical Supplies In the meantime, Try applying natural Increasing productivity and improving
The resistance to diseases of plants and animals. Organic agriculture is a major Is a universal principle In line with economic conditions
Social climate and culture of the local.
Mr. Apichart Pong Sri contraction in the finish. Department of Agricultural Extension Defined as organic.
Farming is not toxic pollutants that will come from the soil, water and air.
Or even by genetically engineered plants to the manufacturer. Consumers and the environment from toxic chemicals.

Help preserve
Natural balance and reduce production costs. Then turning to organic matter such as manure, compost manure.
Or extracted from a biological treatment plant instead. Starting from land preparation to harvesting stage.

The main principle of organic farming is
1. With regard to agriculture in line with the nature. Such as cropping season
2. Avoid the use of agricultural chemicals. And all kinds of toxins
3. maintenance of soil fertility, such as planting a legume cover crop and organic fertilizer blends.
4. Maintaining biodiversity is growing several plants together on the farm. Pets receive proper care.
Not detention and mistreatment
5. Farmers have enjoyed freedom and a fair income.

Sustainable agriculture and organic farming
The expansion of agriculture of the past. As a result, farmers are using inputs more widely.
And in larger quantities than is necessary to accelerate production. With the use of chemical fertilizers and chemical pest prevention.
Commodore growth catalyst The lack of knowledge has accumulated and residues in agricultural products.
The impact on the environment Here's agricultural producers and consumers. It is also one of the important conditions.
Barriers to trade in agricultural and food products between countries.
This is because the demand of consumers started turning their attention to their health more.
If you are still using traditional farming methods. The future may have lost an important market for agricultural products.
Neighbors to Because you can not compete in terms of price. You should turn to the development and promotion of agriculture.
The new format is Sustainable farming is an alternative. Or a new way of thinking for farmers.
From the foregoing, The principles are similar to organic agriculture. Is to use resources efficiently.
The focus is on high ground. Prevent pollution due to farming methods. Including keeping the ecological community.
Responding to the need for a healthy diet and good lifestyle. And encourages farmers to realize the importance.
And the benefits of working together with. So organic regarded as a form of sustainable agriculture.
This form of sustainable agriculture, there are many different systems, such as organic farming. Agriculture, nature
Bio-dynamic farming ecological Agriculture Agriculture and Agro-Bio






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